Start a Plain Language Initiative in Your Organization: A Step-by-Step Approach

As the world rapidly becomes more crowded, complex, and interconnected than we ever imagined, the plain language movement is taking off.

  • Businesses know that they increase their market share when customers are not confused or frustrated.

  • Public agencies know they save money and serve people better when citizens understand.

  • Translators know they can do their job properly when language isn't bogged down by "legalese" or bureaucratic jargon.

More and more agencies and businesses are starting plain language initiatives. They often start with training so their employees learn the techniques of writing and designing clear documents and web pages. That's a good start, but it's not enough. The bigger challenge follows: making plain language move forward in the real world of their organization.

If you are a new plain language project manager, here are 10 steps to help you navigate the managerial obstacles that may lie before you:

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